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Friday 14 June 2024

Memory Day 2024

  • 10:30 am - 2:00 pm
  • Shooting Star House (Shooting Star Children’s Hospices)

Memory Day is a safe space to share your memories and treasure the life of your child. Whether your child was supported by our hospice for years, or you started receiving our support after they died, we want you to know that this is a day for you. This year we will be holding two memory days, one at each hospice, and you can choose to attend whichever one you prefer.

At Memory Day you will be welcomed with a tea, coffee, shortbread and brownies. There will be a short service of remembrance featuring a video montage including photos of your child, and a buffet lunch. You can create a craft in memory of your child or visit our ‘Wall of Love’.

If you have not done so before, we would like to offer you a star for the Memory Tree in the Shooting Star House Memory Garden or leaf for the Memory Tree in Christopher’s Memory Garden. This would be engraved with your child’s name and there would be time for you to place this yourself. We invite you to have a page in the Memory Book with a photo and words dedicated to your child, and you will have time during the day to discuss how this might look with one of our artists.

Submitting your information

In order for the video, as well as your star or leaf, to be ready for your Memory Day, it is essential that you complete all sections of the form as completely as you can when you book. Your form and attachments must be submitted by Monday 13 May.

We do hope you are able to attend Memory Day and we look forward to hearing from you.

Event details
  • Shooting Star House (Shooting Star Children’s Hospices),
    The Avenue,
    TW12 3RA,
    United Kingdom

Bereaved families. Up to six family members (including grandparents) can attend. If you are attending alone you can bring a non-family friend.

RSVP by;

May 13