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Help with hospital stays

We understand that the practicalities around your child going into hospital can be difficult, with transport to and from, commitments elsewhere, or maybe taking care of other children within the family. We want to be there for you, to give you peace of mind that your child is stimulated and engaged in activities they enjoy despite their hospital stay. We know that the emotional turmoil of seeing your child undergo treatment can take its toll on your family physically and mentally, and that you may need some time to step away from the ward, so members of our team from family support or community can come in and be there while you take a break.
Request support

Amy – Family Support Worker

My role is to connect with you when your child is staying in hospital. I will start with a call to introduce myself and find out how things have been for you, and how best I can support. Each child is unique, and I love to find those things that bring a smile to a child’s face. Lately, my favourite moments have included bubbles, noisy sensory toys and sand play. One visit recently was full of fun and smiles as we brought musical instruments, which took the child’s mind off the treatment they were receiving. Please reach out – we would love to be there for you.