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Nurse with child

Student nurse placements

Thank you for considering us for your nursing placement. Shooting Star Children’s Hospices offers placements to second and third year child branch student nurses. Students will be allocated a mentor prior to the start of their placement and they will spend at least 40% of their time with this mentor. Students can be based at Christopher’s, our hospice in Guildford, or with our Symptom and Community Nursing Team. Currently, we offer placements primarily to students from our partner universities.

Partner universities

University of Surrey

Kingston University

University of West London

Placements from other universities

We do consider requests for elective placements from overseas nurses, learning disability student nurses and child branch nursing students studying at other universities. If you would like to apply, we will need to know the following information:

  • Details of the course that you are studying
  • What year of study you are in
  • University contact details
  • Dates of your placement request
  • Preferred location for placement
  • Your aims and objectives for the placement

Prior to any elective placement

You would need to provide proof of ID and university status, also you would require a current DBS check.

All student placement requests should be sent to