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Business Breakfast success at Shooting Star House

May 16, 2022

It was a very warm welcome back for many of our corporate and community supporters last week as we held our first ever Business Breakfast at Shooting Star House.

The event was an opportunity for new and long-standing supporters from the corporate world as well as in our community, to come together and catch up over a cup of tea and pastry, whilst hearing more about how their support has ensured we can be there for the families we care for.

We had attendees from 17 different organisations, who between them have raised over £1 million for Shooting Star Children’s Hospices.

Following a welcome from our Chief Executive, Paul Farthing, who shared the impact companies can have when they support us, Vikki German from our Family Support Team shared how her experience at Shooting Star Children’s Hospices helped when she was seconded to the NHS at the height of Covid-19, as well as how she, and the rest of the team, support families when their child dies, as an end of life and bereavement specialist.

Feedback from attendees has been overwhelmingly positive with comments on how interesting the content was.

Some of the guests took the time to explore our Hampton based hospice, which is dedicated to offering a comprehensive range of therapies and specialist clinics for the whole family. Some were shown our memory garden. The garden has two memory trees, where bereaved families can hang a star engraved with their child’s name.

Anne Carey, Head of Corporate Engagement at Shooting Star Children’s Hospices said of the morning, “It was really fantastic to bring so many of our incredible supporters together after such a long time. Collectively, over the years, they’ve raised over £1 million for Shooting Star Children’s Hospices, so it was wonderful to be able to thank so many in person for all of their support. From the event, we’re aware of a number of tangible, immediate results which we’re thrilled about, and we plan to make this a rolling programme, with breakfasts alternating between Shooting Star House and Christopher’s every six months.”

Find out more about how you and your company can support us here