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Friday 16 February 2024

Teen siblings half term bowling and laser quest

  • 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm
  • Woking Superbowl

We invite your teen to Woking Superbowl to meet other teens and have some half-term fun!

We will be having a game of laser quest (think UV lights, laser guns, and more!) followed by a round of bowlingLunch will be included in the Superbowl Lunch Menu, but teens are welcome to bring along any extra snacks and drinks they may want.

The event will be supported by our care events team and will be super chilled – there are no formal introductions and we are all just there to have fun!

Event details
  • Woking Superbowl,
    Victoria Way, #1,
    GU21 6BU,
    United Kingdom