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You said – We did

Wherever possible we try to shape the care we offer to the needs of the families we support. At both Christopher's and Shooting Star House you can find a suggestions box or you can provide feedback using the online form on this page. All feedback will be considered and we are always looking for ways to help us improve our service. If you'd like to get involved even more you can also join our parents forum.

Latest requests

I'd like to be able to talk to someone in my first language

We have recruited more multilingual staff and are now able to offer psychosocial support in 9 additional languages: Punjabi, Hindi, Marathi, Tamil, Spanish, Italian, Cantonese, Mandarin and Minnan.

'We'd like a dedicated space on the website for us'

We’ve revised and updated the information on our website and created a new Family Zone and Bereaved Family Zone.

"We'd like to be able to book more hydrotherapy sessions outside of school hours"

We’ve employed a physio assistant allowing us to offer more bookable Splash! sessions.

"Dads sometimes feel left out, we don't have as much opportunity to visit our child at the hospice"

We’ve started doing more events for fathers, including a new monthly Dads takeaway evening. This is the way

"When my child’s stays at Christopher's I'd like to have their name and photo on their bedroom door so that they know which room is theirs and that it feels like a home-from-home"

We now make sure that there is always a name on the child’s door and we’re working hard to collect photos for everyone as well.

We'd like to be involved in how Shooting Star's Brand evolves

Feedback from families has been incorporated into our new logo. The longer swoosh of the star was chosen over shorter options as you told us that it better reflects the journey that you have with us. The pink dot in the logo is a nod to where we began as it was used in both the CHASE and The Shooting Star Children’s Hospice logos before the two charities merged to become Shooting Star Children’s Hospices.



If you have a complaint about any aspect of our work you can find details around how to submit a complaint or share a complaint directly via our complaints page

Compliments and Suggestions

If you would like to make a compliment about our service, or suggest something we can do better or differently, you can do that here.

Parents Forum

If you’re interested in helping us shape our services even more, why not become a member of our parents forum. Meetings take place virtually throughout the year.