Highlighting the vital role of charity retail during Hospice Care Week
7-13 October marks Hospice Care Week. The week, led by national charity Hospice UK, aims to highlight the importance of hospice care across the country.
This year’s theme is focused on hospice retail, and the vital role it plays in funding hospice services. During this special week will be shining a light on all things retail and the brilliant contribution they make to what we do.
Keep an eye out on our social media channels for some exciting videos with some of our shop volunteers having a rummage at what delights they can find in our shops, an update on our latest shop opening and a sneak peak into the world of our warehouse!
Melanie Hill, Head of Volunteer Development and Retail, “We are delighted that this year the focus in Hospice Care Week is on retail and we look forward to welcoming new customers as well as those that shop regularly with us. We aim in our charity retail shops to reflect the very high standards of care we provide in our hospices. Our fantastic team of staff and volunteers in our shops and at our distribution centre, work tirelessly to ensure we raise valuable funds and spread awareness of our cause in local communities.”
Whether you are familiar with our seven super shops (soon to be eight with our Knaphill shop opening imminently!) or you’re yet to visit, there is no better week to do so, as we are running a very special competition, with a chance to be entered into a draw to win a £100 restaurant voucher.
Each shop has created a movie inspired window display – using a wealth of lovely donations – all you need to do is visit our shops (or visit our entry page) to see them and enter your guess of which movie they are depicting, to be in with a chance of winning our draw. Good luck!