Virtual gifts

Not sure what gift to get someone? Give them the gift of helping others with our range of virtual gifts.

Showing all 10 results

  • Story time in the sensory room

    Story time in the sensory room


    When a child has a life-limiting condition, the world can be a dark and lonely place. Your gift can help change that.

    Our sensory rooms help children enjoy the world around them. Equipped with a range of specialist facilities including musical floors, fibre optics, mirrors, lights, bubble tubes and water beds, these unique rooms are incredibly popular and adaptable to a range of conditions. Specialist use of the equipment stimulates non-verbal communications in children with the most profound disabilities. They are the perfect environment to lose yourself in a story surrounded by lights, colours and magical sounds.


  • A baking session

    A baking session


    When a child has a life-limiting condition, many everyday childhood activities may seem closed to them. Your gift can help change that.

    Baking is an incredibly popular activity at our hospice. It provides a great sensory experience for supported children, allowing them to experience different textures, smells and tastes, as well as displaying their individual creativity through decorations. Many children can also get more involved in the action for the first time, using our specially adapted mixer to whisk things together. Plus at the end of the day they have an edible treat which can either be eaten straight away, or taken home as a gift for a family member.

  • A leaf or star on our memory trees

    A leaf or star on our memory trees


    When a child dies, our hospice remains a place parents can come to remember. Your gift can help create a permanent memorial in our hospice garden for them.

    Our hospice includes bereavement suites where families can come when a child has died. They lead out onto our garden of remembrance. This is a place of quiet reflection for families, where our memory trees stand. Families can choose to have a leaf or star engraved with the name of their child and hang it from the tree. Families are welcomed back to the hospice to spend time in the garden of remembrance.

  • A memory box

    A memory box


    When a child has a life-limiting condition and time is short, creating special memories is critical. Your gift can make that happen.

    Memory boxes play a vital role in our care service. They give families a chance to take part in precious activities together such as making hand casts, and collect treasured items in one place. Our qualified care team can use the memory boxes in a number of ways including working with siblings to help them capture their favourite memories of their brother and sister, which can be a focal point of therapy sessions in the future.

  • A splash session in the hydrotherapy pool


    When a child has a life-limiting condition, there are many things they are told they can’t do. Your gift can help them discover they can.

    Some families are told it’s not safe to take their child swimming, while others find public pools a difficult environment. Our hydrotherapy pools are a safe space for families to create special memories. For some it’s the first time they’ve been able to take their child swimming. Hydrotherapy also provides physical benefits such as helping muscle tone and strength, enabling mobility not possible out of water.

  • A virtual group session

    A virtual group session


    When a child has a life-limiting condition, isolation and lockdown can hit twice as hard. You gift can help them keep connected.

    Many of the families we support have had to shield for months, as they have a child with a weakened immune system who would be at far higher risk from Covid. We launched virtual versions of our groups to enable parents, siblings and supported children to continue to access our support and keep in contact with each other. The children often enjoy virtual games and quizzes, whilst the grown-ups can be found chatting throughout, often running out of time for a virtual quiz!

  • A dramatherapy session

    A dramatherapy session


    When a child has a life-limiting condition, talking about it can be hard. Your gift can help change that.

    Dramatherapy allows supported children and siblings to express and identify their emotions in a safe and supportive environment. Children and young people can sometimes struggle with managing difficult feelings but by engaging in play and story-making activities they can develop resilience and learn new coping strategies.

  • A music therapy session


    When a child has a life-limiting condition, communicating with people can be hard. Your gift can help change that.

    Music therapy gives children an opportunity to communicate in new and profound ways, particularly as many we care for are unable to speak and struggle to express themselves and their feelings in a safe environment. Sessions are regularly recorded to give families precious keepsakes.

  • A week’s worth of arts and crafts supplies

    A week’s worth of arts and crafts supplies


    When a child has a life-limiting condition, it can be hard to express themselves. Your gift can help change that.

    Arts and crafts are a daily activity at our hospice. They act as a creative outlet and sensory experience for the children we care for, and the masterpieces they create become precious memories for families.

  • One night of emergency respite care

    One night of emergency respite care


    When a child has a life-limiting condition, a family emergency can become a crisis. Your gift can help families access a life-line when they most need it.

    We all know that some things in life cannot be predicted like a burst pipe or a broken car. But for the family of a child with a complex medical condition who needs 24-hour care, it can be disastrous. Emergency respite care means families can get on with sorting out issues, safe in the knowledge that their child is receiving 24-hour specialist care as access to the full range of facilities, including sensory room, soft play, hydrotherapy, arts and crafts and various therapeutic activities.