See all of our services in one place, from art therapy to the Zzzz’s you can get from a good night’s sleep, and find out how to request them.

Family Zone
Welcome to our Family Zone. Here you can find out about the support we can offer you, your child and your wider family. Whether you're looking to access a service like counselling or respite, book an event or session at one of our hospices, download one of our information sheets or simply want to arrange a time to talk, you'll find all the information you need right here.
Support for families
Family events
We run many fun family events as well as dedicated sessions for mums, dads, siblings and grandparents. A great way to meet other families.
Book hospice facilities
Splash in our heated hydrotherapy pool, get creative in the art room or relax in our sensory room – all at a time that suits you.
Have you thought about…
Complementary therapy
We offer aromatherapy and massage to help you relax and destress, as well as pamper days for mums.
Hospital sitting
One of our team can come and stay with your child while they are in hospital, giving you time to do other things.
Memory making
We can help you make keepsakes together as a family, from casts to personalised jewellery.
Information and resources
From fact sheets to food vouchers, contact details for local councils to apps for mental health, browse our range of resources.